News from the Firm
News and Information from Johnson Marlowe LLP

Johnson Marlowe LLP Welcomes Michael J. Bowers, Former Attorney General of the State of Georgia, in Of Counsel Role
Johnson Marlowe LLP welcomes Michael J. Bowers, former Attorney General of the State of Georgia, in Of Counsel Role.

Spence Johnson Delivers Talk on Borrower-Side Commercial Loan Workout Strategies
Johnson Delivers Talk on Borrower-Side Commercial Loan Workout Strategies.

Johnson Marlowe LLP Helps Organize 2013 People's Law School
Johnson Marlowe LLP partner Dustin Marlowe is a proud organizer of the 2013 People's Law School in Athens, Georgia.
The Importance of the LLC Operating Agreement
All too often, the formalities associated with starting a business the right way are viewed as an aggravation, an obstacle in the way of generating revenue. This article explains why they are so very important.
Deeds in Lieu of Foreclosure
Complicated issues arise even in a seemingly simple "deed in lieu" deal. Legal representation is critical. A lawyer can help negotiate with the bank and then properly paper the deal.